Sending Encrypted eMail – Key Benefits (Part 7)

Business IT and Security on Demand

Sending Encrypted eMail – Key Benefits (Part 7)

We’ve come to part 7 of our cloud computing benefits series. Today we’ll be looking at why sending encrypted email is an excellent example of wise cloud computing for your business.Secured eMail

We’ve all seen them…the little blurb at the bottom of the email you may send or receive that contains all the legal jargon about how “if you got this by mistake, please destroy, don’t read or return, etc.” But, is that legal-ease really sufficient, or is it just damage control after the fact? Would it not be infinitely better to prevent the information in the email from getting into the wrong hands in the first place? Additionally, employees may inadvertently not think twice about sending all sorts of confidential or sensitive information to customers, colleagues and partners without considering the need for protecting that information.

With all of the data breaches in the recent news, it’s no surprise that there are laws and regulations mandating that companies protect sensitive data through encryption. Some fairly hefty fines accompany the companies who get caught not complying, not to mention how hurt their business reputations can become.

The strong email security software providers, like Cryptzone for example, provide end-to-end security of outbound content, either through easy-to-use user actions or through policies that enforce the use of email encryption.

Using this kind of solution, a secured channel is created between the sender and receiver enabling individuals to email information securely inside or outside the organization.

Ease of sending Encrypted eMail

Your administrators can have central control over email security policies, whether done locally or in the cloud (Saas) environment, and the built-in security technology does the rest, so there is no need to purchase additional systems or software. The secured email integrates seamlessly with the email client so the email security takes just a single click.

Properly securing emails means that the channel is secure form user to user, not just gateway to gateway. This ensures that your information is protected at all points. Regardless of whether your organization is using a hosted exchange or Hotmail, secured emails will be stored encrypted at the receiver’s mail server and email client as well as the sender’s mail server and email client. (Link here to watch a short eMail encryption video.)

Additionally, part of the beauty is that businesses can send encrypted emails to anyone – the receiver doesn’t need to purchase any software. With a button as simple as “Send Secured”, an email can be automatically encrypted and sent safely on it’s way to the receiver. The receiver will get the encrypted content as an attachment and follow simple instructions to be able to read the attachment, if they are, in fact, the valid receiver.

Encrypting your business email can not only be fast and easy, it can keep help keep your company legally compliant. Even more important, it can help keep your company’s data and other intellectual property secure.


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